In August, Scout (via Harris Interactive on behalf of Telenav) asked 2,034 male and female drivers 18 years of age and older what types of things they do, would like to do, fear and get irritated by while on the road. What Scout learned will crack you up and maybe freak you out a bit.
First of all, 99% of people driving get frustrated by other drivers, guess that is no surprise. Here are three other types of drivers most annoying to others: Tailgaters, cell phone users, and slow pokes using the fast lane, disliked by 69%, 65% and 63%, respectively. Also on the list of maddening drivers were those who switch lanes too often (Sorry! I think I’m a pole position driver, haha, but I signal and don‘t cut people off), and litterbugs.
28% surveyed said they were relieved not to be caught texting while driving, 21% got away with driving drunk, and 15% didn’t get caught having sex while driving. Along those lines, according to those surveyed men were three times more likely to have sex while driving than women, and men were also two times more likely to flirt with a driver in another vehicle. Women were 36% more willing than men to deal with traffic jams to get to concerts or sporting events.
Of those who have read books or newspapers while driving, 9% of those incidents resulted in accidents as did 6% of those who applied makeup.
People were asked what they’d most likely want to do if no one was looking, while driving. The winner goes to singing out loud, at 54% (where I sing the most, don’t mind people seeing it, either). 30% expressed a desire to pick their nose. 15% said they’d like to have sex while driving, but only 11% say they’ve actually done so. Surprisingly 13% surveyed admit to having eaten something that required the use of a utensil, but predictably 58% say they’ve texted or talked on phone while driving.
After seeing the results of this study, I think I’m a little more likely to keep my eyes averted from others drivers seats while I’m on the road so that I don’t see any naked shenanigans and start laughing too hard to see the road.